My 6-step formula for a killer About Me or About Us page

If you’re taking on the role of web copywriter in your business right now and writing your own website copy, I’m willing to bet it’s your About page that’s leaving you with a blinking cursor. About Us, About Me – whatever you call this page, this is a key part of your website sales journey – especially if you’re a service-based business.

How to write an About page for a business

About pages are such a struggle to write because they're so personal! How much are you even MEANT to say about yourself? And which stuff is important? The backpacking through Vietnam bit? Or the corporate credentials? Or both? Wait. Now do you sound really arrogant?

What if I told you About pages don't have to be so full of confusion? I've written a dozens over the years, and I've now got a pretty fail-safe formula that I roll out for small-biz founders running service-based businesses as well as corporate brands pulling in the big bucks.

If you’re looking closely, you’ll also see that my formula spells out a pretty rude acronym… top marks for spotting. Here it is…

My six-step About Me page formula

How to write your About page Emma Griffin Writes UK copywriter


Do not waste valuable words in your About page headline by writing 'ABOUT ME' or 'HEY! So glad you're here!' They are totally wasted words. This is your opportunity to capture attention. So make it good; make it snappy. Which one sentence would stop your dream client in their tracks and make them want to devour the whole page? Write that. The best About pages grab attention and fosters connection with those first few words.


You know when people say: “Your About page isn't about you”?  I know. Confusing right? But it's really not just about you. The secret to all the best About page examples is that it's all about your audience. So knowing exactly who that is, and what they’re looking for help with, is key to inspiring them to work with you.

So, think about it. What are potential clients saying they're struggling with when they come to you? Where do some of their experiences intersect with your own? Showing you understand their experiences helps to establish connection through your storytelling here.


Now use your expertise to reassure your client that you have the solution to those problems, and tell them how. You could even be blatant with it, and say "You're in the right place," or "That's where I come in." Use this to shift the narrative: NOW, finally, you're allowed to talk a bit about yourself!

Here’s your chance to drop in your most impressive credentials, but be strict, and don't ramble. Which ones do your clients care about, and which ones are just an ego trip? Weave them in here to position yourself as the solution to those issues you talked about earlier.


Remember to focus on describing the end result of working together. How will working with you impact their lives? Will they have more time, feel healthier, make more money?

People don't buy a service, they buy a solution. They don’t want a copywriter. They want someone to write amazing words that convert more potential buyers into paying customers. They don’t want a brand photographer. They want great photos that will give them confidence to show up more as the face of their business. Make sure you’re telling them loud and clear what solution you offer.

Own it

Own your values, and put them here. Show your personality, and what it's like to work with you. What makes you tick, what lights you up, what brings your joy? Why do you do what you do? This is the Marmite test. Sure, you'll repel a few buyers, but that won't matter in the long-run. What WILL matter is the people getting really excited, relating to what you're saying and now becoming really keen to work with you.

Not the other photographer. Not the other designer with the super impressive credentials. You.


This one's simple: tell them what to do now! Make sure you include a call to action at the end of your About page. Send them to your Services page, tell them how to get in touch. Don't leave an interested buyer hanging by not telling them where to go next.

Any questions? Get in contact or follow me on Instagram @emmagriffinwrites, where I share plenty of other copywriting tips you can use in your own business.

And if all this About page stuff sounds like hard work (it is, but it’s worth it!) get in touch to find out how I can work on your website copy for you so you can focus on what lights YOU up.

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    Emma Griffin